About me
I'm a 32-year-old Software Engineer based in Seattle, WA, originally from France. My journey began at 12 and I quickly developed a passion for making developer tools and desktop app development with .NET/C#. In addition to my professional work, I actively engage in various side projects.
When I'm not immersed in code, I enjoy spending time with my wife, my cats, playing video games, composing music, dancing and hiking. Welcome to my world! 💻🎵🐱🕺
Work Experience

// Software Engineer II | Redmond, WA, USA | 2021 - present
// Technologies: .NET, C#, WPF
Continuing my mission on the Visual Studio team, but now based in the USA.

// Software Engineer | Vancouver, BC, Canada | 2018 - 2021
// Technologies: .NET, C#, WPF
Worked on the Visual Studio team, developing new search and text editor features such as All-In-One Search or Language Configuration.

// Technical Evangelist | Paris, France | 2018
// Technologies: .NET, C#, ASP.NET Core, SQL
I contributed to enhance international partner tools during a 6-month contract. My key contributions included streamlining the technical documentation process for partners and developing an automated system for generating return shipping labels.

// Software Engineer Intern | Redmond, WA, USA | 2014 - 2017
// Technologies: .NET, C#, C++, Assembly, JavaScript, TypeScript, React
Over 4 of my 5-years studies, I completed 5 internships of 3 months each. I had the opportunity to work on various missions in the Microsoft Developer Division:
- 2017: Participated in making MakeCode accessible, an educational tool designed to teach to children algorithm logic.
- 2017: Helped improve security in Chakra, the JavaScript engine of Microsoft Edge (2015), by converting some built-in JavaScript features into byte code.
- 2016: Implemented the UX of the Open Folder feature in Visual Studio 2017, along with improving indexing performance.
- 2015: Implemented the support of Async/Await in Chakra.
- 2014: Developed an internal tool designed to help the Visual Studio team with their telemetry.

SUPINFO International University
// Master's Degree in Computer Science | Paris, France | 2012 - 2017
In additional of my classes, I have been the school's global Microsoft community manager, along with a teacher assistant in .NET technologies on several campuses.